Hedrick Family Farm
Contact: John & Angie HedrickDescription
Hedrick Family Farm believes in producing food in a sustainable manner that benefits their animals, farm, and community. Offering fresh, locally grown fruits and vegetables, pastured pork, and free range eggs. You get purchase their products from the Crawfordsville Farmer’s Market as well as from their farm.
Sustainable Initiatives sponsors and maintains the only Local Food Guide for Montgomery County. There is no listing fee. We want to help connect area producers and consumers in order to encourage an engaged community, a stronger local economy and easy access to discerning food options.
Print off an Application. Then email it to Sue Lucas or mail it to 1304 West Wabash Ave, Crawfordsville, In 47933
Contributions to help the Local Food Guide continue to be a ongoing service to Montgomery County would be welcome. Use our Donate link if you wish to help.